Clear lake classical's portrait of a graduate
At CLC, we desire to graduate culture-shaping young men and women, whose minds and hearts have
been trained to love that which is worth loving. We believe this will happen as students are “transformed by
the renewing of their minds” (Romans 12:2). In order that we might strive together to this end, we submit
the following as the goals of our educational and cultural endeavors.
We know that “unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” (Psalm 127)
so we trust that God’s grace will bear fruit from our labors.
We desire that CLC graduates will be known for the following traits:
• Christian Character •
• Depth of Knowledge •
• Wisdom in Discernment •
• Excellence in Communication •
In their Christian Character, we desire that CLC graduates will:
Love and serve God and neighbor
Love all that which is worth loving as demonstrated by God’s Word
Seek to bear nobly the image of Christ
Demonstrate discipline, honor and integrity in a well-balanced life
Respect proper authority, yet be capable and willing to lead, if called
Pursue passionately the kingdom of God, not the kingdom of the world
Display humility and generosity of spirit
Be willing to learn from errors
Be able to gain satisfaction from hard work and a job well done
In their Depth of Knowledge, we desire that CLC graduates will:
Understand that God is the author and fount of all truth, goodness, and beauty
Recognize that all humans are created in God’s image and that our work is modeled
after God’s work as we build, serve, care-take and create with truth,
goodness, and beauty in community
Understand that the gospel is the answer to all of life
Master the primary academic disciplines of grammar, logic and rhetoric, in the
context of the history, literature and philosophy of Western civilization.
Engage in the “great conversation” and in a lifelong pursuit of spiritual and academic growth.
Understand the fundamentals of each of the liberal arts and intuitively recognize how to
integrate these disciplines in work and thought
In their Discernment, we desire that CLC graduates display Wisdom as they:
Are able to see their own sin and trust in Christ as Saviour
Recognize, appreciate and pursue objective beauty and truth through
both logical and poetic thought and observation
Seek to understand God’s redemptive plan in the rich
intricacies of history, current events and the natural world.
Listen, evaluate, and reason through the filter of a coherent and Biblical worldview
View every story as a reflection or a distortion of the True Story
Choose leisure activities that are creative and restorative
Desire and exercise wisdom for wisdom’s sake above any pragmatic ends
Exercise their training in analytical thought and apply that reason in various situations
In their Communication, we desire that CLC graduates will Excel by:
Presenting the truth of the gospel of Christ graciously through word and deed.
Engaging and redeeming culture, being recognized for their eloquence and grace as they do so
Employing clarity, logic and style in both speech and composition
Articulating respectfully and defending winsomely their positions with confidence,
intelligence and a humble demeanor
Listening and understanding before passing judgment
Being willing to present another’s viewpoint in it’s best construction with good intention
(putting the best construction on everything – so as not to slander a neighbor)
Communicating an appreciation of good in others
Being able to give a defense for the hope that is in them with gentleness and respect.
been trained to love that which is worth loving. We believe this will happen as students are “transformed by
the renewing of their minds” (Romans 12:2). In order that we might strive together to this end, we submit
the following as the goals of our educational and cultural endeavors.
We know that “unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” (Psalm 127)
so we trust that God’s grace will bear fruit from our labors.
We desire that CLC graduates will be known for the following traits:
• Christian Character •
• Depth of Knowledge •
• Wisdom in Discernment •
• Excellence in Communication •
In their Christian Character, we desire that CLC graduates will:
Love and serve God and neighbor
Love all that which is worth loving as demonstrated by God’s Word
Seek to bear nobly the image of Christ
Demonstrate discipline, honor and integrity in a well-balanced life
Respect proper authority, yet be capable and willing to lead, if called
Pursue passionately the kingdom of God, not the kingdom of the world
Display humility and generosity of spirit
Be willing to learn from errors
Be able to gain satisfaction from hard work and a job well done
In their Depth of Knowledge, we desire that CLC graduates will:
Understand that God is the author and fount of all truth, goodness, and beauty
Recognize that all humans are created in God’s image and that our work is modeled
after God’s work as we build, serve, care-take and create with truth,
goodness, and beauty in community
Understand that the gospel is the answer to all of life
Master the primary academic disciplines of grammar, logic and rhetoric, in the
context of the history, literature and philosophy of Western civilization.
Engage in the “great conversation” and in a lifelong pursuit of spiritual and academic growth.
Understand the fundamentals of each of the liberal arts and intuitively recognize how to
integrate these disciplines in work and thought
In their Discernment, we desire that CLC graduates display Wisdom as they:
Are able to see their own sin and trust in Christ as Saviour
Recognize, appreciate and pursue objective beauty and truth through
both logical and poetic thought and observation
Seek to understand God’s redemptive plan in the rich
intricacies of history, current events and the natural world.
Listen, evaluate, and reason through the filter of a coherent and Biblical worldview
View every story as a reflection or a distortion of the True Story
Choose leisure activities that are creative and restorative
Desire and exercise wisdom for wisdom’s sake above any pragmatic ends
Exercise their training in analytical thought and apply that reason in various situations
In their Communication, we desire that CLC graduates will Excel by:
Presenting the truth of the gospel of Christ graciously through word and deed.
Engaging and redeeming culture, being recognized for their eloquence and grace as they do so
Employing clarity, logic and style in both speech and composition
Articulating respectfully and defending winsomely their positions with confidence,
intelligence and a humble demeanor
Listening and understanding before passing judgment
Being willing to present another’s viewpoint in it’s best construction with good intention
(putting the best construction on everything – so as not to slander a neighbor)
Communicating an appreciation of good in others
Being able to give a defense for the hope that is in them with gentleness and respect.